Training and Support

Initial Training

Training begins with orientation on day one, progressing to a gentle introduction to the school environment and a more tangible look at our curriculum on day two. Thereafter, and for the remainder of their training, new teachers join our training specialists at the individual trainers’ school for a more practical training experience

During orientation, teachers are introduced to Kid Castle and the curriculum they will be teaching, as well as a break down of the job description including work duties, expectations, teaching steps - everything related to teaching at Kid Castle.

Furthermore, key aspects of life in China, such as, renting an apartment, cultural differences and the ever important cross-cultural communication are discussed during day one.

Orientation ends with a quick team building activity designed for some giggles and to test your chopstick abilities before heading off to Xi Bei, a local restaurant, to enjoy some of the food on offer in China and unwind after day one.

Day two provides teachers with a more practical experience as we head to one of our schools not far from the main office. Upon arrival new teachers are given a tour of the school and are introduced to some of the friendly staff, before unpacking, in more detail, the Kid Castle curriculum introduced during orientation the day before.

During day two, several workshops are held in a classroom environment which focus on some of the critical aspects of teaching such as lesson planning and classroom management, with tips and strategies discussed throughout. New teachers will also have their first introduction to the students as they observe an actual class being taught, providing a wonderful experience and persperctive of what life in the classroom is all about.

Having completed the first two days of training, our new teachers meet with their training specialists and are taken to the schools where they complete the remainder of their two week initial training. With their trainers, new teachers will build on the foundation from the first two days and get hands on with both the curriculum and teaching itself as they get comfortable with lesson planning and, importantly, teaching through further observations as well as teaching classes with their trainer present.

The two week initial training is structured to build confidence and provide adequate preparation in all facets to allow new teachers to begin their new journey on the front foot.

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